Elementary Statistics
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底下是 Elementary Statistics 的內容簡介
1. Real-World Examples illustrate every concept discussed in the text with detailed, compelling examples from real life.
2. Real Data Sources help students see the integration of statistics in everyday life. Neil Weiss has included carefully cited data from reputable journals, newspapers, magazines and Web sites.
3. Helpful text features help readers make sense of the material and provide easy reference for study and review.( Interpretation Boxes、What Does It Mean?、Procedure Boxes、Technology Appendices)
4. Parallel Critical-Value/p-Value Approaches offers complete flexibility in the coverage of critical-value and p-value approaches to hypothesis testing. Instructors can focus on one approach or they can compare both approaches.
5. Parallel Presentations of Technology: The Weiss approach offers complete flexibility in the coverage of technology which includes options for the use of Minitab, Excel, and the TI-83 and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators. One or more technologies can be explored and compared. Instructions and output for each package are included in Technology Centers throughout the book.
6. The WeissStats CD-ROM bound inside every new copy of the textbook includes applets, an optional text chapter that presents additional probability and random-variable topics, an introduction to statistical technologies, and DDXL?, an Excel add in. Data sets are provided as text, Minitab, Excel, JMP?,博客來書店 and SPSS? files, as well as in the TI-83/84 Plus graphing calculator list files.
7. Focusing on Data Analysis sections at the end of each chapter examine the Focus Database, a database of 13 variables for the undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire. This feature lets students work with large data sets, practice using technology, and discover the many methods of exploring and analyzing data–both descriptively and inferentially.
Neil A. Weiss
現職:Arizona State University
作者: Weiss 博客來書局
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2011/05/27
- 語言:英文
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